Booking information

Booking online
You can now book and pay for Loft Theatre tickets online, any time day or night – go to our secure booking facility.
Booking in person
The Loft Box Office is open on all main house performance nights from 6.45pm until 8.30pm. For studio shows, it is open on performance nights only from 7pm until 8pm.
Telephone bookings
Telephone bookings may be made via our new general contact number, 01926 830680. Outside box office opening times (see above) a message will be taken and your call will be returned or you can email
Postal bookings
Write to:
Loft Theatre Box Office
Victoria Colonnade
Leamington Spa
CV31 3AA
Ticket Information
Ticket Prices – Loft Theatre Company Productions 2025
Full Price: Sunday – Friday £18.00 | Saturday £20.00
Concessions: Sunday – Friday £16.00 | Saturday £18.00
During 2025, tickets to Loft Theatre productions will be free to those aged 16-25 years, with ID/proof of age, for one complimentary ticket for yourself to see any show.
Individual 16-25s ticket requests or those which may be part of a group/family booking can only be arranged direct with the box office. Please email the date you require, your full name and postcode to:-
A ticket will be reserved for you for a performance of a show of your choice and you will then be required to show ID/proof of age on collection from the box office.
£13 – no concessions
Terms and Conditions
Concessions are aged 60+,
Musicals incur a £4.00 surcharge
Visiting Company performances are individually priced
Please apply for information to
There is a single floor of 200 stall seats and the floor is well raked from the front to the rear of the auditorium to provide excellent viewing from all seats.
The theatre main entrance, foyer and lower entrance to the auditorium are step-free. There is an accessible toilet just off the foyer. Regrettably, our studio theatre is only accessible via a flight of stairs, as is the bar. Patrons with mobility issues may wish to pre-arrange (by email) to order and pay for their pre-show/interval drinks in the foyer.
The front row of the auditorium is step-free and can accommodate up to two patrons seated in wheelchairs. The remainder of the seating is raked, with shallow steps up the aisles. The auditorium is equipped with an induction loop system for use with the T switch on hearing aids. Assistance dogs are welcome, but please email to let us know in advance.
Please email to discuss your access requirements and to book tickets, including free tickets for essential carers.
And for the ideal present…
Loft Theatre Gift Vouchers are available from the Box Office.
They are redeemable against tickets for all Loft productions and may be purchased to any desired value.
Season Tickets
If you are a regular visitor to the Loft Theatre, why not save some money by becoming a Season Ticket Holder? Find out more here.