Sad news of Charles Mulraine and Martin O’Connell
“When sorrows come, they come not single spies but in battalions”
Hamlet, William Shakespeare.
Having seen Hamlet at the RSC last week, I was reminded of this with the awful news that two more great contributors to life at the Loft had died.
The news arrived of the loss of Charles Mulraine and Martin O’Connell within days of each other. So close to the loss of Bill Wilkinson, this has involved three people who shaped so much at our theatre. Just heart breaking.
Charles was both a director, Chairman and the Loft’s President. He directed 9 productions from 1971 – 1981, but principally focussed on organisational roles in managing the theatre. He was educated at King Edward VI School in Stratford-upon-Avon and Changi Grammar School, Singapore and held a masters in English from Trinity College, Dublin. He ran his own PR/Communications company in Leamington and contributed significantly in shaping the Loft’s history, stepping back in the early 2000s. He was a true driving force behind many milestones achieved by the Loft and will be missed by all those who new him. We have so much to thank him for. He is succeeded by his wife Ann, a hugely gifted actor and drama teacher, who directed productions and also led a long standing highly successful youth theatre at the Loft. We send our love to her and to their children, Justin, Anna and Sean and their families.
Martin O’Connell predates Charles at the Loft, acting, directing and being the Loft’s Chairman from the start of his involvement in the 1960s until he left the UK more than 20 years ago to live in Spain with his wife Lesley. He was part of the management team at the theatre across both of the serious fires in its history and there are photos of him on the building site of the architect designed theatre building we now inhabit which was constructed in the late 1960’s. Martin was a senior business man and brought his management skill to the running of the theatre. He was the greatest fun to be with and one of those people who you always felt better for having been in his company. This photo sums him up, champagne in hand at a birthday bash in our garden and the broadest of smiles. A positive energy and spirit who made a special contribution to the Loft in multiple ways. Such a loss.
We send our love to his wife Lesley and to their whole family, particularly Martin’s children Charlotte, Amy, Victoria and Jason.
Dear Martin and Charles………………
“I can no other answer make, but thanks and thanks and ever thanks”