Spring is awakening – read the artistic round-up from Sue Moore

I still have stars in my eyes from Constellations. It was the greatest artistic success.   We were overwhelmed with the positive reviews from critics and audience alike and comments about it being one of the greatest nights in the theatre anywhere.

My cast were simply outstanding.   I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of rehearsing with them.   It was a privilege and something which will be etched in my memory for ever.   When the almost full house stood on the last night, I felt it was a fitting conclusion to the work they had done.   As I said to them after the production concluded, I can no greater accolade give than no acting was visible.   It seemed effortless for them and I promise you the production required masses of effort.   The creative team brought such imagination to the staging.   My cup runneth over.

Next up in the main house is the long-awaited Spring Awakening with Chris Gilbey-Smith in the director’s chair. The cast and creative team is mighty in every sense and I am delighted to be invited in this week to see a rehearsal.   Chris has loved this musical for such a long time, having seen both Broadway and London casts and he knows it north, south, east, west.   His knowledge about it is profound.   One of the most focussed directors in the rehearsal room, he will be bringing all his powers to bear to present something special to you all.   He took me to see a production of this musical at the Almeida.   I was unsure about it walking in, but he just left the text and the score to be its own argument, so that on leaving the theatre with him I could not have felt more strongly that this was a musical which we should absolutely stage.   It is hard hitting, powerful and heartbreaking and in the hands of a spectacularly talented team.   The score just rocks and the text is searingly emotional, transporting the 19th century original play into a new century. It is one of the most arresting and intelligent musicals I have heard in many years; a vibrant celebration of adolescence and rebellion in a world where adults hold all the cards.   Don’t let the chance to see this production pass you by. Unmissable.

Hot on the heels of Spring Awakening we shall be reopening the Studio Theatre for the first time since covid.   An intimate space for an audience of 50, we are delighted to have been granted the rights to perform a play by James Yarker from Stan’s Cafe (pronounced caff) called The Just Price of Flowers.   This has playful text, music and a terrific cast, with Mark Crossley who many of you will have seen on stage, directing for the first time at the Loft. Mark is no stranger to directing and has huge experience as an associate professor in performing arts at a local university, having also jointly written about Stan’s Cafe and their approach to devising theatre with James Yarker. It is because of Mark’s relationship with James, who is the Artistic Director of Stan’s Cafe, that we have been granted the rights to perform this play, so don’t miss the opportunity this brings to catch it.   The Just Price of Flowers is a play about the financial collapse of 2008, but set in 17th century Netherlands using the price of tulips as its inspiration.

Working playfully with this as its theme it follows them through the highs and lows of financial trading and explains it all with great wit whilst setting you up for the inevitable crash.   This is theatre that cannot and should not be categorised.   Tickets are on sale now and will be in short supply.

Our May production Things I Know To Be True has now started in rehearsal and the company are settling in to work together with Lynda Lewis, an experienced director who is making her debut with us.   The pre-production meeting with the whole creative team are assembling this week to started planning in earnest.

So………three productions currently in rehearsal, bringing you potent theatre on your doorstep.   We just spoil you!

We are endlessly grateful to you all for your support of our work and how you appreciate the programme we present for your delectation.   Every single ticket you purchase contributes to us being in a strong position to continue to present theatre of the highest quality to you with passion, commitment and love.

Spring is emerging outside as the temperatures rise but Spring is also Awakening inside to stir you too. You can look forward to the warmest of welcomes and an exciting experience.

Sue Moore

Artistic Director